Charlotte, NC 28278 +704.966.9441
“Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life.”
Butterfly Academy offers youth from underserved communities and schools an opportunity to excel in arts enrichment, have a positive and lasting impact within the community and feel empowered to lead.
Our long-term goal is to transform underserved communities by providing youth with access to countless resources and opportunities.
Butterfly Arts Enrichment is the central focus of Butterfly Academy.
Youth will identify an art of interest. From there, he/she will enroll in a specialized curriculum.
We create partnerships with local school districts, colleges and universities.
Arts enrichment courses are taught by educators and aspiring educators who are currently enrolled in a college education program.
Butterfly Cares focuses on community.
The program partners with local businesses and community organizations to inflict change.
Once a month, mentors and young people venture out to offer support to individuals, local small businesses and organizations that need assistance.
We create, build and sustain relationships with community members by offering support where needed.
Metamorphosis offers youth the chance to connect through the process of group mentoring.
Trained mentors and young people participate in a structured program of support.
An essential aspect of the mentoring process is the social-emotional learning that occurs with our youth.
Through various activities, they will learn about and implement a variety of life skills that are imperative to their growth.
Butterfly Academy is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. The primary purpose of which is to provide a safe haven for youth and cultivate creativity while empowering future leaders. There is a particular focus on arts enrichment for middle school youth. See more......
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