Charlotte, NC 28278 +704.966.9441
While growing up on the South Side of Chicago comes with its own set of issues, Ebony decided she would overcome adversity to become the change she wanted to see in the world.
The neighborhood community center she frequented as a teenager sparked a thought that became Butterfly Academy. It was at this place that she could explore the Arts, fellowship with friends and connect with leaders within the community. She attributes a great deal of her success to having a safe haven directly in the center of her underserved community. It was her home away from home.
After starting her career in education in 2014, Ebony soon realized arts instruction often took a back seat to core subjects in middle schools across Charlotte, NC. It was even more concerning to make the connection between students who consistently received disciplinary action and the creative ability the majority of them seemed to have.
An artist at heart, Ebony quickly understood that youth, especially those who are from underserved communities and schools, would benefit from having a home away from home, a place where they are free to be themselves and to channel their energy, while honing their artistry or discovering untapped potential. And, if those same youth are connected with trained mentors and participate in community service within their own communities, then they would without a doubt become leaders of their generation.
With this in mind, Ebony founded Butterfly Academy in 2019. Her long-term goal is to transform underserved communities by providing its youth with equal access, opportunity and exposure.
Butterfly Academy is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. The primary purpose of which is to provide a safe haven for youth and cultivate creativity while empowering future leaders. There is a particular focus on arts enrichment for middle school youth. See more......
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